Our French team
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The Just Scapes team based at INRAE

Benjamin Begou
Assistant, Research Design and ImplementationHaving completed a master's degree in social ecology, based on the UNESCO's "Man and the Biosphere (MAB)" programme, Benjamin joined Just Scapes in November 2021. Benjamin works on the communication, design and administration of the participatory workshops in the Pyrénées, which aim to: 1) co-produce shared justice norms relating to land-use transformations in the face of climate change, and 2) collectively draw the desired landscape of tomorrow.

Cécile Barnaud
ResearcherCécile is a human geographer working on land-use conflicts, power relations and negotiation mechanisms around the nexus agriculture-biodiversity-society. She also an expert on participatory action-research methodologies. In Just Scapes, she is the coordinator of the French team and the French case study in the Pyrénées. And across the project as a whole, she is co-principal investigator and in charge of the work package on individual interviews.

Lisa Darmet
PhD studentLisa Darmet joined the Just Scapes project in March 2021, as part of her Master Degree in environmental social sciences at EHESS, Paris. She is now doing her PhD thesis as part of the Just Scapes project, supervised by Cécile Barnaud and Brendan Coolsaet. She has conducted interviews with a range of local stakeholders in the Ariege Pyrenees for the French part of Just Scapes. She uses the conceptual lens of environmental justice to analyse the discourses and representations of pastoral livestock farming in the context of climate change.
The Just Scapes team based at ESPOL Lille

Brendan Coolsaet
Assistant ProfessorBrendan Coolsaet is Associate Professor of Environmental Politics at ESPOL, the European School of Political and Social Sciences at Lille Catholic University, France. He works on environmental justice, biodiversity conservation and food politics. He is a Co-Investigator and Work Package lead on the JustScapes project.

Mathilde Gingembre
Postdoctoral ResearcherMathilde Gingembre is a postdoctoral researcher at the European School of Political and Social Sciences (Lille Catholic University), with expertise in political ecology and critical agrarian studies. In Just Scapes, she is in charge of mapping and analysing the contested policy landscape in which local environmental justice struggles are embedded.
Former team members

Marie Izard
Master's placement (April to Sept 2021)After a Bachelor in Geography and History, Marie joined Just Scapes for 6 months in 2021, while studying in Montpellier Supagro and finishing her Master's degree in “Resource, agricultural systems and development”. For her final internship, she did an agrarian diagnosis on the Massat Valley. Through a systemic approach, she linked technical agricultural systems with their ecological, economical and social context.

Floriane Clement
Research fellow (November 2020 to April 2023)Floriane is a research fellow at DYNAFOR, INRAE. She has been studying environmental policies, exploring the gap between policy discourses and outcomes. She draws on institutional analysis, discourse analysis and (feminist) political ecology. Before joining INRAE in 2018, she worked in Vietnam, India and Nepal for more than 10 years.